Executive Managing Agent

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Rozewood’s Executive Managing Agency Service offers a unique and comprehensive solution to the challenges typically faced by Trustees. With our professional property management expertise, we take on the duties typically handled by Trustees, providing a reliable and efficient management system that benefits all owners.

As both the managing agent and the board of Trustees, we assume full responsibility for the management and reporting of the property. Our reporting system provides transparent insights into the financial and facility management performance of the building, along with future planning considerations. Our primary objectives for the Executive Managing Agency Service include legislative compliance, good governance, effective facility management, and thorough maintenance planning.

By entrusting our highly experienced team and our boutique-style property management approach, you can rest assured that all aspects of the Trustees’ role will be skillfully and successfully fulfilled. We add long-term value to the building and individual sections, ensuring the smooth operation and growth of the property.

Appointing an Executive Managing Agent (EMA) is like having a dedicated and knowledgeable “super-trustee” working full-time to manage the scheme. This option is not only beneficial for Sectional Title schemes facing financial challenges but also for those struggling to find willing trustees among the body corporate members. The complex and time-consuming nature of the trustee role has made it increasingly difficult to find qualified and motivated individuals to take on the position.

As Sectional Title living in South Africa has gained popularity over the years, the shortage of qualified and willing trustees has become more apparent. Many schemes now turn to the little-known management rule, allowing them to appoint an executive managing agent through a special resolution. This resolution empowers the executive managing agent to perform the functions and exercise the powers typically held by the Trustees.

With Rozewood’s Executive Managing Agency Service, you can overcome the challenges of trustee shortage and ensure the efficient management and growth of your property. Contact us today to discuss how our specialized services can benefit your scheme.